We beat the hate-mongering cults with INTERNET ACCESS and radio, tv broadcasts...Radio Free Afghanistan is just getting under way. Information can destroy any cult or hate-group.
Have a nice evening, Bridgette.
We seem to be online at the same times, where are you located?
Rex B13
JoinedPosts by Rex B13
The real facts about Islam
by Rex B13 inthis is a link to an article by salmon rushdie, who knows more about islam than all of us put together.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_1634000/1634755.stm.
Rex B13
the FBI's Project Megiddo (PM) report
by Mindchild in"project megiddo" is the fbi's strategic assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism in the united states.
the report generated under project megiddo states the intent was "to analyze the potential for extremist criminal activity in the united states by individuals or domestic extremist groups who profess an apocalyptic view of the millennium or attach special significance to the year 2000.
the following quote is from this article:"the making of project megiddo & the secret agenda to destroy christianity in america" http://www.networkusa.org/fingerprint/page1b/fp-secret-agenda.html.
Rex B13
I noticed you had no substantial answer for my trashing of your last posted bull.... article. Like Big Jim, you post any stupid idea just as long as it critisizes Christianity. I'm not whining at you, I just don't respect you.
Rex -
The real facts about Islam
by Rex B13 inthis is a link to an article by salmon rushdie, who knows more about islam than all of us put together.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_1634000/1634755.stm.
Rex B13
This is a link to an article by Salmon Rushdie, who knows more about Islam than all of us put together.
Rex -
the FBI's Project Megiddo (PM) report
by Mindchild in"project megiddo" is the fbi's strategic assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism in the united states.
the report generated under project megiddo states the intent was "to analyze the potential for extremist criminal activity in the united states by individuals or domestic extremist groups who profess an apocalyptic view of the millennium or attach special significance to the year 2000.
the following quote is from this article:"the making of project megiddo & the secret agenda to destroy christianity in america" http://www.networkusa.org/fingerprint/page1b/fp-secret-agenda.html.
Rex B13
Mindchild has already shown his posts to be unreliable and about the level of the Weekly World News. I wonder if he is really Big Jim under a new name.
Rex -
Differences Between Science and Religion
by Mindchild ini found this short essay about the differences between science and religion interesting and decided to share it.. the source is the online version of longevity, by gurvinder bagga, november, 2001 issue url: http://www.geocities.com/hotsprings/sauna/3748/lr86.htm#dif.
a scientist will give up his life for the betterment of humanity.
a religious fanatic will sacrifice humanity for his ideals.
Rex B13
Sorry to be nasty. That post was really amusing.
>A scientist will give up his life for the betterment of humanity. A religious fanatic will sacrifice humanity for his ideals.
Do the ones who developed and continue to refine the atom bomb, anthrax, chemical killing agents qualify for this statement? Hmm, how about the real Christian who fights for the cause of freedom?
>A scientist will or can never impose his ideas on others unless he can prove himself . A religious priest forces his thoughts on others and threatens punishment if others don't follow.LOL, evolution...accept the teaching or we will discredit you and your career. A priest only tells you what he believes God may do to your soul.
>A scientist cannot issue a fatwa or commandment to prove a point. A religious priest can issue a fatwa or commandment over a point he himself might not like to follow.Gobbledygook, is this an Islamic nuance? LOL
>Science does not force children who cannot speak into communities or cults. Religion forces children who cannot speak into believing ideas the child might disagree when he really can speak!
The atheistic scientist forces his beliefs on everyone, under threat of numerous punishments. Learning about God rewards and enriches a child's life (not a cult religion of course) and provides him a solid foundation to adjust to the cruel, real world.
>Science encourages freedom.Science has nothing to do with freedom. Christian thought and efforts have brought about the greatest freedoms man has ever known! Western Civilization is the prime example.
>Scientist dress the way they want to. The work is not related to the dress a scientist wears. Religion forces a dress code. People are made to look alike. Freedom of dress is banned.
LOL, what JW cave are you still hiding in?
>Science does not discriminate against females. A scientist can be of either sex and be respected for his or her work. Religion mostly discriminates against females. They are not allowed to express themselves and even entrance inside a religious institution is often not allowed. Head priests of almost all religions of the world are MALES.
More gobbledygook that is so generalized as to be ridiculous. Christian religions give more freedom to women than any other!
>More people have been killed in the name of religion than for or against any scientific discipline. In fact science has in the last two hundred years saved millions of lives.Tell that to the Soviet and Chinese people of atheistic communism, science was a tenet of their religion. How many more have died due to the advances of scientific weaponry that threatens to extinct man?
>Science evolves and learns from it's mistakes. Religion does not evolve and NEVER learns from it's mistakes.
LOL...More ridiculous assertions and generalities. Science has proven itself to be just as fallible as any other human endeavor. It promotes theories as facts all the time. Religion is too general a subject to make any determination valid
>Scientists are required for the day to day running of the world.Crapola, sweat off the human brow is required to keep society moving. A few well placed work stoppages can and have proven that!
>Religious priests are not required for the day to day running of the world.
Christianity teaches that each Christian is a 'priest' able to access God at any time through Jesus Christ. Prayer moves world events from the smallest to the largest.
>A scientist might invent weapons of mass destruction but he is responsible and knows the consequences of his actions.
Yet he still does it!!!!
>A religious fanatic cannot make weapons of mass destruction but STEALS form scientists these weapons and kills thousands not knowing the consequences of his actions.
And a criminal is a criminal is a criminal, no matter what cultic religious nonsense he ascribes to.
>Science does not reject GOD and is in fact trying to find the ultimate meaning of life. This is done through hard work which might take maybe thousands of years. But scientists have tremendous patience and are mostly fascinated by the journey rather than the goal.
>Religious priests KNOW GOD exists! They have not offered any proof nor are interested in doing so. They get extremely irritated if asked for proof. They are very impatient and want to go to heaven without doing any real hard work in this world.Did you make this up yourself or did a junior high student help you?
>Scientist admit the world exists and can be manipulated for our benefit. They also use the fruits of their discovery. Religion does not give importance to this world and almost always talks of heaven or hell. But deeply religious people USE the fruits of discovery of science.This isn't making any more sense, is it? Have you ever heard of the term, "generalization", or "straw man", or "red herring"?
>MONEY which is the most important tool invented by man the scientist is the ONLY thing accepted by any RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!! BLESSINGS CANNOT BE EXCHANGED FOR BLESSINGS.
ROFL, I luv it! Don't forget your Mastercard, the great scientific discovery!
>Science discovers truths which are applicable all over the universe. A hydrogen atom is the same everywhere. So is a oxygen atom. Similarly gravity works in the same way all over the universe. And light in it's current form travels at the same speed.
Who established the laws of the universe in such wonderful and intricate DESIGN?
>Common sense tells us that a GOD should be same all over OUR universe.(IT might be different in another universe) But religion on earth does not agree. Already we have GODS of all colours and shapes found all over the world. And no GOD is compatible with another. GODS as we know them on this planet are non-fungible! They also follow political boundaries created in the last three hundred years! For example a GOD in INDIA is not a GOD when you cross a political boundary and go to PAKISTAN!!
You must be a complete.....oops, better be nice. The world is nothing BUT overlapping religions that respect no political boundaries!
Ohhhhh whooopeeee, you have figured out that idolatry is a bad thing, which is what God told the hebrews about 4000 years ago!
The next time you post something, try solid facts instead of generalizations, that I just fired right back at you. LOL
Rex -
British JWs ignoring the GB.
by dmouse inwhen we have american jw relatives visit they are frequently shocked at the difference between how they live their lives and how jws over here live.
its almost as if we are from two different religions.. that divide seems to be getting wider.
i have noticed in the past two or three years a noticeable relaxation among british jws.
Rex B13
Hi Bridgette,
Sorry to burst your bubble. The world is in an ongoing revival that has yet to gather full steam in the western world. Education has nothing to do with it, except that people are starting to see through the nihlistic attitudes, the lie of evolution and the gestapo tactics of the ACLU types. People are sick and tired of fringe special interest groups denying free speech for Christians only. New Age crapola is being seen for the sham it is. People are looking for God and want a solid foundation like the resurrection of Christ to base their eternity on.
You're seeing the demise and decline of cults, the unrest of Islam and in China, which is caused by conversions to Christianity and the desire for freedom.
Rex -
I'm Screwed Up, You're Screwed Up
by Farkel ini have not followed very many threads of late, so if someone has already made the same observations i'm about to make, i apologize for my redundancy.. .
i admit it: i'm part of a highly secretive, highly elite group.
(we have to drink two quarts of fresh yak blood and get a tattoo of a pentagram on our butts as part of of the initiation.
Rex B13
Does that 'sound' rather 'rude', Shelby 'Jesus' 'true' 'channel'?
Gosh, I would be screwed up too if I used that '' all the time like you do. You blathered:
>Now, back to your question, may I ask: "Atrocities" going on where? In my Lord's kingdom? Within Israel? Oh, you mean the REST of 'everywhere' HERE? Now why in the WORLD (which IS 'lying in the power of' its 'ruler'... 'the wicked one')... would my Father be concerned with those... perhaps like you...
NIV Jude 1:6-7
6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.Those wicked angels do not threaten God's sovereignty, not does Satan, who in the book of Job must ask God's permission to work on Job. Satan also had to ask Jesus' permission to sift Peter on the night of our Lord's arrest. God is very much in control either directly or through permission. A (alleged) prophet like you should know this.
NIV Romans 3:22-24
22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference,
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
24 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.NIV Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
NIV Romans 10:9-11
9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
11 As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."NIV John 3:15-17
15 that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.This shows just how much love God has for all of mankind. Who are you (or me) to judge anyone? Only god can judge the heart and we are viewing only the rough surface that is yet coal but may some day be a diamond.
>who do not even believe He exists, or if so, believes Him evil? What OBLIGATION does He have toward such ones? Why would He be concerned with those who are not of His Household, those NOT in a covenant with Him? Do YOU go around taking care of everyone else's children? Are you OBLIGATED to?
Your own words condemn you. Just as mine have done to me when speaking out in anger toward those whom we are to lead to Christ.
>My Father takes care of His Household... and His children... dear Julie... just a He covenanted to do. He did NOT, however, covenant to take care of those who are LOVING this world... and the things in it.
The Law Covenant is fullfilled in Christ HE died for all of the sins of the world. Israel was to be the 'light of the world', but failed. Those who belong to Christ are in the world yet because God desires all to be saved.
>Surely, you know that. Those who do not profess to BE His children... are understandably left to the 'designs'... and WORLD... of THEIR 'father'. Surely, you can understand that, yes?
41 "Then he will say to those on his left, `Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,
43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'
44 "They also will answer, `Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'
45 "He will reply, `I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."Does that make you pause just a little, Shelby?
8 He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, `I am he,' and, `The time is near.' Do not follow them.
Does that sound just a little like some self-proclaimed prophets?
>Just like YOU don't run around getting in YOUR neighbor's business and telling them how to run THEIR household, but rather, just try to mind your OWN business and handle your OWN household... so, too, does my Father. Can you then judge Him... or obligated Him... as any different from yourself? I think not, Jules, dear. And if you can't see the TRUTH in that, well, perhaps that's because when you read the Bible, you picked and choosed just what it is you wanted to understand. Which is what most folks do, so don't 'sweat it' if you did.
What amazing arrogance.
Hope all is well in spite of the delusions.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Such a NICE girl. From out of whose mouth comes blessing... AND cursing... all at one time. Which one, though, is 'truth', Jules?
And you do know better, right Shelby? Do not judge, lest you be judged.
>Peace.A slave of Christ,
Empty words?
Rex -
Help me... please...
by mindfield init's funny how 2 hours can make you question the doubts you've had for months.
just got home from the hall after speaking with an elder... had a friendly chat about my doubts... finally culminating in my admitting that i didn't believe the discreet slave really existed, and that all my jw beliefs were non-existent.
2 hours.
Rex B13
Hi FedUp,
Watchtower elders are often specifically trained to defend the WTS theology. You are at a disadvantage in not knowing scripture well enough to refute his assertions. Even if you were successful in debating him he would soon throw up the 'denial defenses'. Did he change subjects quuckly, almost without you realizing it? That is another dodge they are trained on. Even when you are well versed in scripture you must pin them down to one verse, one topic, carefully drawing out the context of the passage by reading the whole of related scripture. I'd advise you to get a NIV or NKJ study Bible at some Christian bookstore, or even Waldens, any other book chain store.
Pursuing this is foolhardy if your family are JWs and you have to depend on them for living arrangements.
Be careful, be cautious, bide your time.
There is no single organisation that has the 'whole truth', in fact, God has never depended on any church to relate his word. That's why we have Christ and the Holy Spirit for we are 'taught by God'.
Feel free to e-mail me at any time. Here are some sites to check out:http://www.serve.com/larryi/index.html
http://www.geocities.com/rick_g22/cults/jehovah.html#eJust for starters, check these out. I am sure that you will get lots of responses to your post. May God guide your steps,
Rex -
I'm a useless Apostate :(
by NewbieGirl ini've been lurking here for a while now, posted a handful of times, but this board has had a profound effect on me.. i have just finished reading coc which i would never have even heard of if it wasn't for this board.. anyway, in light of everything i have learned here, i have been waiting expectantly for the next unsuspecting jw's to knock on my door, just so i can er, 'enlighten' them.. about 15 minutes ago, just that happened.
i answered a knock on my door to be confronted by two jw's.
one of them i remembered vaguely from a neighboring cong, and the other was someone i knew pretty well from my old cong.. so what did i do?
Rex B13
Rex -
by ballistic into the governing body:.
to presume you are inspired by god is paranoia,.
to presume you were spoke of in prophetic terms in the revelations is adding to scripture,.
Rex B13